Torgue's Campaign of Carnage Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt. Gearbox has confirmed the package to cost $59.99 on all platforms at the time of release. The package will contain: The main Borderlands 2 game All DLC included in the Season Pass: Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty Mr. Varied environments, and each of them shows the sense of humor with general writing, if youre perceptive enough.And the guns, oh, the guns.

More details, better designs, and fun all around. Was just curious as to what the end-game content is like.

Have all the DLC, etc and am working my way through it as Kreig (Poop train Poop train.).
Borderlands 2 all dlc list upgrade#
NOTE: The GOTY Edition does not contain any of the content released after its announcement, including any Head Hunter DLCs and the Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack Two: Digistruct Peak Challenge. Borderlands 2 GOTY keeps the stylish look of its predecessor and makes it look even better. Hey everyone, Just picked this game up after taking a break from gaming for over a year. The Heads and Skins included in the Collector's Edition.Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty Borderlands 2 Trophy List 76 Trophies 392,849 Owners 25.